Expert: Azerbaijani soldiers used as cheapest workforce
Considerable increase of oil income creates conditions for improving social welfare in all spheres, including the sector of defense and security. However, the analysis of past 5 years shows that efforts of Azerbaijani authorities to improve the social conditions for the military are much too slow, and as a result Azerbaijani military are forced to serve in an environment, where there are no laws, housing conditions are poor, and the salary is non-adequate, reads an article in Azerbaijani newspaper Zerkalo.
The author also notes that the servicemen in Azerbaijan are faced with the issue concerning payments for additional hours of service. There is information about the military forced to work in places in no way related to military service.
According to the data of “Doctrine” center for military research by journalists, it is widely popular in Azerbaijan to involve the military in forced overtime labor, often during weekends as well, and pay them nothing. Meanwhile, the military serving at the front line receive salary for 16 hours per day instead of 24 hours, meaning they receive double salary instead of a triple one, despite the amendment of 2005.
“In the meantime, the military, who served from 1998 to 2005 at the front line have received double pay based on the order of Minister of Defense, while they should have received triple pay according to the old law, this issue is not settled down yet,” reads the article.
“Doctrine” also informs that the leave of absence permitted during the service in Azerbaijan is often not provided to the servicemen, sometimes the term is reduced, but no payment is received for unused vacation days. Servicemen are not provided with required clothing; as a result such payments cause problems at the end. Many officers are demoted before retirement based on the decree signed in the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense.
The article writes that data received during past 10 years let us insist that conscripts and enlisted servicemen, officers and non-commissioned officers are engaged in works not included in their responsibilities during the service in Azerbaijan. Specifically, soldiers are engaged in the cleaning works of various construction territories.
In Yashar Jafarli’s opinion, Azerbaijani army is formed according to the Soviet example, according to which soldiers are being used as the cheapest workforce. Jafarli notes that there are many facts proving that soldiers are used in chores outside military units.
“At the same time, servicemen (especially privates) are engaged in construction works within military unites, and it’s profitable, as the administration doesn’t have to hire supervisors and workers anymore. There is one question left in that case, how are the funds assigned for given constructions drawn and where do they go?” reads the article.