“This year 85 manuscripts were digitalized by the equipment endowed by Pier Guyumdjyan from Beirut, and nearly 800 manuscripts will be digitalized next year,” said Gurgen Gasparyan, Matenadaran director’s advisor of new technologies and publishing issues.
Now Matenadaran owns one digitalizing equipment, and the second one is considered to be owned next year by the means of Austrian “Grac” university. This university is specialized in digitalizing manuscripts, thus a contract will be assigned with them.
“Now there are more than 17.000 manuscripts, and to digitalize all of them with this only equipment 50 years will be needed. In the case of new equipments our work will be carried out faster, new vacancies could be opened, but for all of these state aid is important,” said G. Gasparyan.
The mission of digitalizing the manuscripts is to protect and propaganda national values. “After the digitalization the scientific work becomes easier, catalogues of national values will be created. Thus the world will be aware of what we have here in Matenadaran, as we protect not only national values but also European ones,” said he.