“The union of cinema works hard to find its successors.” said Ruben Gevorgyanc the president of the union. He said that the Russian cinema industry is developed enough, and ours not, and added that the only reason of it, is that we do not have the appropriate market.
“Shooting and showing the films on screen can be much more profitable for them,” said Gevorgyanc. He said that there are only two cinemas in Armenia, which are too little for creating developed industry, besides the films produced in Armenia won’t have success in Russia.
“It is very difficult to penetrate into the international cinema market. There the films are quite different from what we have here,” said Gevorgyanc. The union produced 12-15 films and they are going to finish the reconstruction part of the new building in 2009.
Compared with the cinema industry union, the works done by the artists’ union were not satisfactory. “We were not so active in 2007, but it is mainly connected with the reconstruction in the union building,” said Karen Aghamyan, the president of the union. He said that the reconstruction process will be finished in spring and after they have lots of work to do.