104 officials were asked if they knew the RA Law on “Freedom of Information” and 99 of them answered that they were aware of the current law, and 5 of them did not, said the president of the “Freedom of Information” NGO Shushan Doydoyan taking into account the research done by the NGO. According to her 88.4% of the informed 95% were aware of certain provisions of the law. And 90.3% of the respondents said that the law is a good one.
77 officials mentioned that the unawareness is a real problem, 39 notified that the reason is that they get used to work secretly, and 24 said that the provisions mentioned by the law are not carried out.
According to the officials the most open institutions are the ministries of education and science and labor and social affairs, as well as the Civil Service staff. According to the journalists the most open institution is the ministry of foreign affairs.