“Are the words annihilation and extermination synonyms or not? Your Excellency does not authorize the usage of those two words. Use them as you wish as the expression will not change the practical image of it,” these e are the very first words of “Who has killed thousands of Armenians?” article written by Turkish Hasan Amka which quite matches with our days.
“Just ignore “annihilation” and announce that that was the decision to exterminate the Armenians,” he states. The current article could be a real message for the Turkish authorities. Hasan Amka has written quite many notes on the Armenian Genocide which is considered lost today. After the World War I the politician wrote articles about the Genocide and its organizers. “Let’s continue keeping silence. But God is single for all of us, for Armenians, Turksih and others and whether he will not ask “Who has killed thousands of Armenians?”,” said Hasan Amka’s article.