"The Chairman of the “New Times” Political Party Aram Karapetyan’s health was damaged in the isolation ward of investigative administration of the “Yerevan-Kentron” because of bad conditions.
We ask all cardiologist doctors of the world to read the medical diagnosis below concerning Chairman of the “New Times” Political Party Aram Karapetyan and send their suggestions and advices concerning medical treatment to our e-mail address: [email protected].
We also ask to answer if it is possible to make treatment of the patient in isolation ward.
The consilium for the patient Aram Karapetyan was organized in 21.05.08 at the cardiopulmonary department of Erebouni Medical Centre with participation of H.E.Saiyan (deputy head doctor), L.Ye.Atayan (head of the cardiopulmonary department), H.G.Hayrapetyan (head of the department of myocardial infarction), A.A.Mamikonyan (chief endocrinologist), A.R.Nazaryan (invasive cardiologist of Nork-Marash Medical Centre), professor R.S.Gabrielyan, associate professor A.Y.Gasparyan, doctor A.E.Margaryan.
The following conclusions were made:
Chief endocrinologist A.A.Mamikonyan:
Mild diabetes mellitus, type 2
Invasive cardiologist of Nork-Marash Medical Centre A.R.Nazaryan:
Acute coronary syndrome, arterial hypertension, II stage
Prof. R.S.Gabrielyan, Cardiology Institute
Ischaemic heart disease, progressive unstable angina, heart failure, impairment of blood circulation, I functional class, arterial hypertension, I stage
Assoc. Prof. Armen Gasparyan:
Ischaemic heart disease, progressive angina, impairment of blood circulation, I functional class, arterial hypertension, II stage, course with crises
The diagnosis of cardiopulmonary department of Erebouni Medical Centre:
Ischaemic heart disease, stable angina, functional class III-IV, impairment of blood circulation, I functional class, arterial hypertension, II stage, hypertonic crisis (16.05.08).
We shall be much appreciated for all necessary suggestions and advices.
Special thanks beforehand".
Press Department of the “Hew Times” Political Party