In 17-23 August “One Nation – One Culture” pan Armenian cultural third festival will take place in Armenia and Artsakh, said Gayane Durgaryan, the head of public relations department of the Ministry of Culture to Panorama.am reporter. “We hope that the festival will give a chance not only to present our cultural values but to discuss them, too,” said G. Durgaryan.
“It is planned to organize trainings for dance and song professionals in the frameworks of the festival,” she said. She said that dance and song groups, solo singers and dancers can take part in the festival.
The Government has disposed 170mln 434 thousands drams from its reserve budget to organize “One Nation – one culture” pan Armenian festival. Note that the organizers of the festival are the ministries of culture and foreign affairs, and “One nation – one culture” foundation. The festival takes place since 1999 every two years.