“OST-Alco” company has a project to produce “Shustov” brandy in the mother countries of brandy in Armenia and France and to keep its production in Russia. The company plans to finish the negotiations with Armenian and French producers in summer and in the beginning of 2009 to present it in market. According to Viktor Turshatov the director of foreign communication group of the company soon the style and content of the brandy will be changed.
The company negotiates with “Ararat” brandy-wine-vodka firm and with Meukow French Company. The company is aimed to produce “Shustov” brandy in these firms. The first roots of “Shustov” are based in Armenia as in 19-20 century Nikolay Shustov filled the first bottles of this type of brandy in Armenia.
According to Russian media and representatives of Meukow company Armenian side has already affirmed the process of negotiations. “Shustov” produced in Russia costs 600-700 rubles 0.5 liters, and the same brandy produced in Armenia will cost 1000 and in France 1500 rubles.