The Secretary General of Venice Commission Gianni Buquicchio is going to hand his office in two months. Before ending his mission Mr. Buquicchio traveled to Armenia, received the award of honor handed to him by the National Assembly Chairman by the special decree of the Armenian President.
Today Mr. Buquicchio met with reporters. To the observation that the award is a bribe, the SG of Venice Commission said that he has been repeating for many times. “In these two months I am going to do the same,” Mr. Buquicchio said.
According to the Secretary General since 1995 there has been recorded great democratic advancement. “Compared with 1995 the situation is freer and more developed. But it should be even more developed and this state should become more democratic,” he said.
Mr. Buquicchio declared that Armenian legislation is not bad written but their implementation practically is not well improved. Expert says Armenian organizations don’t apply to courts as “they know the answers in advance.”
Comparing with south Caucasus three states, the expert says that there are problems in all those three countries. He said that Georgia has just understood that their constitution should be reformed but they should have done it 5 years ago. Mr. Buquicchio said that Azerbaijan’s constitutional reforms though have been adopted in the country they have not been adopted by the commission. He advised the opposition to be constructive not destructive.