Amber Chess: Aronian runs 9th, Ivanchuk leads
In Round 7 of Amber Tournament underway in Nice, France, Armenian GM Levon Aronian won against the former world champion Vladimir Kramnik in the rapid while lost to him in the blindfold game.
In Round 8 the Armenian GM ended in draw both sets with Boris Gelfand.
So, in two rounds Levon Aronian scored 2 and now runs 9th with 7 points. Gashimov and Svidler have scored 1,5 points more than Aronian and rank 7-8th. The leader is Ivanchuk with 11 points.
Round 7
Kramnik - Aronian 1:0
Gelfand - Smeets 0,5:0,5
Gashimov - Carlsen 1:0
Grischuk - Ivanchuk 0,5:0,5
Dominguez - Svidler 0,5:0,5
Ponomariov - Karjakin 0:1
Round 8
Svidler - Ponomariov 1:0
Karjakin - Grischuk 0:1
Ivanchuk - Dominguez 0,5:0,5
Smeets - Gashimov 0,5:0,5
Carlsen - Kramnik 0:1
Aronian - Gelfand 0,5:0,5
Kramnik - Aronian 1:0
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 c5 4. e3 a6 5. Nc3 d5 6. cxd5 exd5 7. g3 Bg4 8. Bg2 cxd4 9. exd4 Bb4 10. O-O O-O 11. h3 Be6 12. Ne5 Bxc3 13. bxc3 Qc8 14. g4 Qxc3 15. Rb1 Nc6 16. Rb3 Qa5 17. Rxb7 Nxe5 18. dxe5 Ne4 19. f4 Nc3 20. Qd2 d4 21. f5 Bc4 22. Re1 Qxa2 23. Rb2 Qa1 24. f6 1:0.
Aronian - Gelfand 0,5:0,5
1. Nf3 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. g3 d5 4. Bg2 dxc4 5. Qa4+ Nbd7 6. Qxc4 c5 7. O-O b6 8. d4 Bb7 9. Rd1 cxd4 10. Bg5 Be7 11. Nxd4 Bxg2 12. Kxg2 Qc8 13. Nd2 h6 14. Bxf6 Bxf6 15. Rac1 Qb7+ 16. N2f3 O-O 17. Qc6 Qxc6 18. Nxc6 Nc5 19. b4 Rfc8 20. Nfd4 e5 21. Nb3 Rxc6 22. bxc5 Rac8 23. Rd6 bxc5 24. Rxc6 Rxc6 25. Rxc5 Rxc5 26. Nxc5 Be7 27. Nd3 e4 28. Ne5 f6 29. Nc6 Bc5 30. Nd8 Bb6 31. Nb7 f5 32. Nd6 g6 33. f3 exf3+ 34. Kxf3 Kg7 1/2:1/2.
1. Grischuk-6
2. Carlsen-5
3. Ivanchuk-5
4. Gelfand-4,5
5. Karjakin-4,5
6. Kramnik-4,5
7. Gashimov-4
8. Svidler-4
9. Aronian-3
10. Ponomariov-3
11. Smeets-3
12. Dominguez-1,5
Round 7
Aronian - Kramnik 1:0
Smeets - Gelfand 0:1
Carlsen - Gashimov 0,5:0,5
Ivanchuk - Grischuk 1:0
Svidler - Dominguez 1:0
Karjakin - Ponomariov 1:0
Round 8
Ponomariov - Svidler 1:0
Grischuk - Karjakin 0,5:0,5
Dominguez - Ivanchuk 0,5:0,5
Gashimov - Smeets 1:0
Kramnik - Carlsen 0,5:0,5
Gelfand - Aronian 0,5:0,5
Aronian - Kramnik 1:0
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e3 O-O 5. Bd3 c5 6. Nf3 b6 7. d5 exd5 8. cxd5 h6 9. e4 Nxe4 10. Bxe4 Bxc3+ 11. bxc3 Re8 12. Nd2 f5 13. O-O fxe4 14. c4 d6 15. Bb2 Qg5 16. f3 Bh3 17. Qe2 e3 18. Ne4 Qg6 19. a4 Nd7 20. Ra3 Ne5 21. Kh1 Nxc4 22. gxh3 Rxe4 23. Rg1 Qh5 24. Rxg7+ Kf8 25. Rh7 Nxb2 26. Rxe3 Rxe3 27. Qxe3 Kg8 28. Rxh6 Qf5 29. Rh4 Nd3 30. Rg4+ Kf7 31. Re4 Qxd5 32. Re7+ Kf8 33. Rh7 Kg8 34. Rc7 Nf2+ 35. Qxf2 Kf8 36. Qe3 Qd1+ 37. Kg2 Qc2+ 38. Kg3 Qg6+ 39. Kh4 Qf6+ 40. Qg5 Qxg5+ 41. Kxg5 d5 42. f4 d4 43. f5 Re8 44. Kf6 d3 45. Rf7+ Kg8 46. Rg7+ Kh8 47. Rd7 c4 48. Kf7 Rc8 49. f6 c3 50. Rd4 Rc7+ 51. Kg6 1:0.
Gelfand - Aronian 0,5:0,5
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 d5 4. e3 Bg7 5. cxd5 Nxd5 6. Nxd5 Qxd5 7. Ne2 O-O 8. Nc3 Qd8 9. Be2 c6 10. O-O e5 11. dxe5 Bxe5 12. e4 Qxd1 13. Rxd1 Be6 14. f4 Bc7 15. Be3 Nd7 16. Rac1 Bb6 17. Kf2 Nf6 18. h3 h5 19. Bf3 Rfd8 20. e5 Ne8 21. b3 f6 22. Na4 Rxd1 23. Rxd1 fxe5 24. fxe5 Ng7 25. g4 hxg4 26. hxg4 Rf8 27. Ke2 Bc7 28. Nc5 Bc8 29. Nd7 Rd8 30. Nf6+ Kf7 31. Rxd8 Bxd8 32. Bxa7 Bc7 33. Bd4 Ne6 34. Bb2 Ng5 35. Bg2 Ke6 36. Ne4 Nf7 37. Nd6 1/2:1/2:
1. Ivanchuk 6
2. Carlsen 5
3. Gelfand 5
4. Kramnik 5
5. Svidler 4½
6. Karjakin 4½
7. Gashimov 4½
8. Aronian 4
9. Ponomariov 3½
10. Grischuk 3
11. Dominguez 2
12. Smeets 1
Final Standing
1. Ivanchuk 11
2. Carlsen 10
3. Kramnik 9.5
4. Gelfand 9.5
5. Grischuk 9
6. Karjakin 9
7. Gashimov 8.5
8. Svidler 8.5
9. Aronian 7
10. Ponomariov 6.5
11. Smeets 4
12. Dominguez 3.5