Orange ranked 50th among Top 100 most valuable global brands 2010
Millward Brown Optimor published on April 28th its 5th annual “Top 100 Most valuable global brands 2010” following which Orange is ranked 50th, instead of 53th in 2009.
The Orange brand valuation takes into account the mobile activities of Orange and does not include activities such as TV and fixed line. Orange is the 5th among world telecommunication brands and the second among European mobile telecom brands. Orange is ranked 8th in value in the Continental Europe brands ranking, according to Orange Armenia press office.
In 2009, the Orange brand was estimated 13,242 million dollars and ranked 53rd. In 2010, with a growth of 6%, its value has reached 14,018 mln dollars and the brand is now ranked 50th. In a market where the trend is showing mobile operators’ brand values dropping by 1%, Orange achieves a significant success.
Brand valuation is a measure of the financial value that is attached to the brand. The BrandZ brand value is based on the intrinsic value of the brand – its ability to generate demand. It is the total of all future earnings that the brand is forecast to generate, based at today’s value.