Turkish commander called to prosecutor's office
Ergenekon prosecutor Zekeriya Öz on Monday called Gen. Hasan Iğsız, the acting commander of the 1st Army, candidate for Land Forces Commander, to testify in an investigation of online anti-government propaganda allegedly linked to the Action Plan for the Fight against Fundamentalism.
Öz began investigating the alleged online propaganda after an anonymous military informant sent a letter to Ergenekon prosecutors, claiming that an anti-fundamentalist action plan had been prepared by Col. Çiçek, upon instruction by Gen. Iğsız. The letter also said Çiçek had signed and presented a memorandum to Iğsız that explained how the colonel had built websites aiming to undermine the government.
19 officers, including Iğsız, Çiçek and acting North Area Navy Commander Adm. Mehmet Otuzbiroğlu, who are also suspects in the Sledgehammer probe, were called to testify about the websites.