Armenian, Azerbaijani youths clash over "Our Karabakh" in Tyumen
A clash between the Armenian and Azerbaijani youths over Nagorno-Karabakh was prevented in Tyumen, Islamnews reported.
Getting events was laid a few days ago, in the sixteenth college town, where one student, an ethnic Armenian, has come to a T-shirt with the inscription “Our Karabakh”. The conflict escalated into the so-called “arrow”. One of the parties came to the “dismantling” armed with traumatic weapons, so the forces were not equal. One of the guys got shot in the ear. The next meeting, to which the conflicting parties had intended to pull up fresh forces, did not take place because of interference by law enforcement.
Regional Committee for Nationalities gathered around one table the leaders of Azerbaijan and the Armenian diaspora, and managed o prevent the scuffle.