German government phases out nuclear power by 2021
The German government has agreed on a roadmap for phasing out nuclear power. All of the country's 17 nuclear plants are to go offline by 2021, with a possible one-year extension for three reactors should there be the risk of an electricity shortfall, “Spiegel Online” informs.
After weeks of heated discussion, the German government has made it clear that it is serious with its U-turn on nuclear energy.
Following talks that went into the early hours of Monday morning, Environment Minister Norbert Röttgen announced the details of the government's new approach to phasing out nuclear power. The new plan foresees all of Germany's nuclear plants going offline by 2021 -- with one possible exception: If the transition to renewable energy does not go as quickly as planned, three of the plants will be allowed to continue operating until 2022, as a kind of safety buffer against electricity shortfalls.