Arzni joins rock festival
Օn 26 August Yerevan Music Summer Fest 2011 will take place in Liberty Square, at 19:00. Arzni mineral water, which is the part of AG Holding, has become the sponsor of the event.
The festival will last 3 days, from 26-28 August and will consist of 12 concerts. Many famous rock and jazz-rock bands will participate in the 3-day festival both from Armenia (The Beautified Project, The Bambir, Dogma, Sharak, Ulikhanyan Quintet) and abroad (Oliver Weers and Soren Andersen from Denmark, Panzerballet from Germany, Green Mama from Georgia and Euro Groove Department from Italy).
“The purpose of the festival is to contribute to the promotion of rock music and to make live concerts dominant in Armenia,” founding director of Vibrographus company and organizer of the concert Vardan Grigoryan told a press conference.
“We consider such events to be very important, as they are directed to cultural education of generations,” marketing director of AG Holding Mariam Harutyunyan said.
Arzni has cooperated with Vibrographus company several times in the framework of the concerts of Uriah Heep, Deep Purple, Ian Anderson, etc.
The organizers of the concert hope that the festival will turn into a real rock firework and eventually will initiate a new cultural tradition i.e. turning it into an annual summer rock-festival.