STAR social basket price increased
On September 28 the cost of «STAR social basket» is 50 441 dr, which is 0.61% higher than the cost of that on 14.09.11 (50 135dr).
The change in the cost of «STAR social basket» during this fortnight is conditioned with the rise in the prices of fish, mushroom, sausage, garlic and other goods included in the basket. Because of this fact the cost of «STAR social basket» increased wih 1.32 %.
Meanwhile, due to seasonal aspect the prices of some fruit and vegetable assortments, such as onion, оriental persimmon, pear, beans, eggplant, cauliflower and potatoes, went noticeably down. As well as the prices of lamb meat, sugar, ice cream, that were lowered by the chain and affected the cost of the basket to decrease.
The cost of social basket was influenced also by discounts on the goods included in weekly promotions of STAR trade chain in this cycle. For example, the price of lemon was lowered by 700 dr., peach - 90dr., pomegranate - 800dr., pepper - 50dr., melon - 20dr., vodka -170 dr., buckwheat - 20dr., rice - 30 dr., cabbage - 10 dr., matsoun /traditional yogurt/ – 15 dr.
Though seasonal effect on the prices and current promotions of STAR trade chain caused the cost of the basket to go down by 0.71%, yet by the simultaneous increase in prices of some other goods included in the basket eventually affected the basket cost to increase by 0.61%.
Note that «STAR social basket» includes 180 goods of first consumption with only a minimum trading margin stated on them. The cost of «STAR social basket» is calculated taking into consideration the prices of the goods included in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the share of goods is calculated according to the goods consumption in STAR trade chain.