Tymoshenko sentenced to 7 years in prison
Ex-Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko was sentenced to seven years in prison by the Pechersky District Court of Kiev on Tuesday. The verdict was pronounced by Justice Rodion Kireyev, who presides at the trial, ITAR-TASS said.
The Pechersky District Court has been hearing since June 24 the criminal case of Tymoshenko, accused of the abuse of office during the signing of gas contracts with Russia in 2009. In the opinion of the Prosecutor-General’s Office of Ukraine, by signing the contracts Tymoshenko abused her office and inflicted damage on the country to the sum of over 1.5 billion hryvni (some 200 million dollars). On August 5, Tymoshenko was arrested under the court ruling and was kept in the Lukyanov investigation prison.