RA Human Rights Defender’s 116 Hotline to operate from November 1st
The Human Rights Defender of Armenia, in cooperation with 9 non-governmental organizations, is reopening his rapid response service.
From November 1st, 2011 with the support of the Human Rights Defender’s staff, a 24 - hour 116 Hotline will be operating for the purpose of increasing the efficiency of rapid response and all-day duty implementation. The Hotline, managed by the staff, will also operate on play-days, memorial days and holidays. Moreover, all Hotline incoming calls from all marzes (provinces) of Armenia are free of charge.
Rapid Response is put into action in all cases, when a person has been unsubstantially apprehended by law enforcement authorities (Police, Prosecutor’s Office, Special Investigation Service, National Security Service) where he/she has been subjected to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, or there is a threat to be treated in this way; the investigating body (investigation and preliminary investigation) declines a person’s legal motions, namely to have a defender, translator, forensic medical expert consultation and first aid supply; a prisoner has been subjected to a cruel, inhuman treatment (beating, torture and etc.) in a penitentiary institution; in cases of torture (already happened or ongoing) in military units; when a person with serious health problems is recalled into military service; when Compulsory Enforcement Service executes its procedures illegally, etc.
In the indicated cases the rapid response goes in the following way: Provision of a necessary legal advice, a visit to the corresponding place /institution/, if necessary, in some cases - transmission of informat, ion to a proper body or information adjustment.
The rapid response will be implemented by human, technical and material resources of the Human Rights Defender’s Institution and non-governmental organizations.