ECHR rules Turkey violated journalist’s right to free speech
The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled on Tuesday that Turkey had violated the right to free speech of a journalist, “Cumhuriyet” reported.
In 2008 a Turkish court sentenced journalist-columnist Erbil Tusalp to pay TL 10,000, about $5,700, in compensation to Erdogan over two articles that were published in the Birgun daily in 2004 and 2005.
Tusalp maintained that the articles were aimed at criticizing, not insulting, the prime minister, but the court ruled that remarks made in the article went beyond the acceptable limits of criticism. The Supreme Court of Appeals also refused to hear Tusalp’s appeal, following which he took the case to the ECHR.
“It was true that Mr. Tusalp had used a satirical style to convey his strong criticism. In that context, the Court underlined that the protection of Article 10 [regulating freedom of expression] was applicable not only to information or ideas that were favorably received but also to those which offended, shocked or disturbed. Consequently, the Court could not find that the strong remarks highlighted by the Turkish courts could be construed as a gratuitous personal attack against the Prime Minister,” the court said in a statement.