K. Achemyan: RPA programs are for all strata
“People during those years have had the opportunity to see and appreciate our work. The works that are implemented during the election period are a unique opportunity to present to the society the programs that have been implemented by the parties and new programs to be realized,” told RPA MP Karine Achemyan Panorama.am.
Asked whether the citizens read and appreciate the programs of the parties and make their final decision based on it the deputy mentioned, “Not every citizen has the opportunity to learn about the programs presented by the political forces and that is why separate working groups have been formed in the RPA which present the programs of the parties through direct contact with the people.”
According to the speaker the meetings with different strata are very important as the RPA programs are directed to all the strata of the society and during those meetings it becomes easier to understand what the people expect from the political parties in reality.