Orange is the general partner of the World Music Day
Since June 21,1982 every year the Ministry of Culture of France organizes Fête de la Musique – an event gathering musicians and singers, beginners and professionals, to celebrate the world music day. Fête de la Musique is celebrated in Armenia since 2007 and is coordinated by The Embassy of France in Armenia, The Ministry of Culture of Armenia and the Yerevan Municipality.
This year World Music Day is dedicated to 50th anniversary of the pop music. Since 2010 and already traditionally the main concert is supported by Orange. This year it will be held in the Liberty Square, from 8pm to 11pm and will host Lav Eli, Dogma, The Beautified Project, Imagine band as well as participants of «Armenian Superstar» Iveta Muuchyan, Sousanna Petrosyan, Sona Roubenyan, Raffi Ohanyan and others.