Vitaly Balasanyan casts his ballot ‘for Karabakh’s future’
NKR presidential candidate Vitaly Balasanyan cast his ballot at a polling station located in Askeran House of Culture. Journalists asked him several questions.
- Mister Balasanyan, what did you vote for?
- I voted for Karabakh’s future, for our independence and supreme goal: one Armenian republic.
- What expectations do you have from elections?
- I am convinced that we all together will find strength within ourselves and will do the most important thing to further increase Karabakh’s reputation. Free, fair and transparent election - this is our principle.
- What are the problems that require urgent solution?
- First of all, the unsettled war. The second is Karabakh’s independence and its participation in the negotiations. I would also like to mention socio-economic problems, use of modern approaches and innovations in economy.
- If you are elected president, what will be your first move?
- First I will declare that I am everyone’s president; there will be no persecution irrespective of party belonging and views. If I am not elected, we will continue to fight; we have already carried out our minimum program. Karabakh will revive.
- If you are not elected, will you announce becoming opposition?
- Yes, unanimously.