Giro Manoyan: Efforts need to be intensified towards NKR’s recognition
The visit of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs to the region showed that the negotiations have reached a deadlock, but it seems that they put an equals sign between the sides regarding the reason why the negotiations are deadlocked, Giro Manoyan, Director of the ARF bureau's Hay Dat and political affairs office, told reporters in Yerevan.
According to Manoyan, nevertheless, the Co-Chair countries try to resume the negotiations, perhaps, in order to reduce the probability of war.
Among factors posing threat to regional security Manoyan mentioned possible tensions on the Turkish-Syrian border and probability of military operations against Iran, though, according to him, the latter is little probable.
Against this backdrop, Manoyan believes, “the Armenian side or the Armenians in general have to intensify their efforts towards NKR’s recognition. Be it absolute recognition, partial recognition or recognition by provinces, cities or states, the recognition efforts need to be intensified by all means.”