Serzh Sargsyan: Human being, his dignity, basic rights and freedoms are supreme values
Welcoming Statement of President Serzh Sargsyan Addressed to the Participants of the Pan-European Conference on the European Standards of Rule of Law and the Scope of Discretion of Powers in the Member-States of the Council of Europe held in Yerevan
Distinguished Chairman of the European Court of Human Rights,
Distinguished Chairman of the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe,
Dear Participants of the Conference,
Dear Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We have initiated this conference in the framework of Armenia’s presidency at the Council of Europe, particularly recognizing the importance of the problems which these days will become the topic of interested discussions by all participants of the Conference.
It is a great honor and responsibility for our country and authorities to assume presidency of the Council of Europe. We will strive to fill these six months with the initiatives which will give a new impetus to the further development and strengthening of the European system of values, infallible adherence to the principle of rule of law.
It was the inevitable logic of democratic developments that securing rule of law in the European legal system should become a keystone value. Article 3 of the Statute of the European Council signed on May 5, 1949 in London stipulates explicitly that every member of the Council of Europe must accept the principle of supremacy of law. This approach had also given a new quality to the future progression of international relations, placing in the foundation of these relations a clear-cut guideline according to which a human being, his dignity, basic rights and freedoms are supreme values. State, in its turn, is constrained by the individuals’ and citizens’ basic rights and freedoms which have become acting laws. These are provisions which are secured in the Constitution of our country as the constitutional base; they define the conduct of the individuals and state authorities in building legal state and civil society.
I am confident that in all democratic countries, on the constitutional level the principle of rule of law is secured in some way. However, the main task is to bring it to life, to make limitation of power through the law a rule of life.
Particularly in case of the newly democratic states, it requires a coordinated and persistent work. It requires the existence of an independent judicial system and execution of impartial justice.
In this area, our country has entered a new stage of reforms and has been implementing persistently programs which have great prospects for future. In the center of all these programs is the individual, guarantee of his rights and freedoms, creation in the country of the atmosphere where tolerance, pluralism, non-discrimination, and mutual trust are paramount.
I am also confident that this exceptional Conference, dedicated to the European standards of rule of law and the scope of discretion of powers will make a lasting contribution to mastering challenges existing in our country and other countries of the EC member states, for a more efficient guarantee, ensuring and protection of human rights.
I once again salute the participants of the Conference and wish productive and efficient work.