Spaniards realize they are betrayed - Rodney Shakespeare
Press TV has conducted an interview with Rodney Shakespeare, professor of Binary Economics, about thousands of Spaniards gathering outside the headquarters of the ruling Popular Party to demand the resignation of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy.
- Mr. Shakespeare, we did speak about this topic yesterday as well. I want to ask you at this point how are things looking for Rajoy?
- Well they're not looking good for the whole Spanish political structure. The Spanish people are realizing that they've actually been betrayed at the most fundamental level.
People normally let the politicians control their lives as long as ...there are jobs and there is some security but the Spanish people now realize, means that the government party is out of control, the national debt is rising to become unpayable, the unemployment figures which are over twenty five percent double that fifty percent for the young people and more in certain areas but the situation is not coming back.
And behind that, is this colossal private housing debt and which the banks are basically absolute walking zombies, they are not even walking zombies. And so the Spanish people are really recognizing that the political structure of which the prime minister is the leader is corrupt and they've been betrayed.
So no wonder whatever the truth is about this corruption allegations, they are now realizing and they are deciding to go straight at the top of the political structure because what else can they do? What else can they do?
So it's a desperate situation for an enraged populous, a waking up to how serious that how dire the situation is for them.
- Speaking about a desperate situation with austerity measures, job cuts, etc. not only in Spain but in places like Greece as well, how do you see things going forward?
- Well I don't see it going forward. The fact is that they can only stay the same and go backwards and the reason is we have a smug complacent, pompous elite which still thinks it should stay in power because it thinks knows what to do but it's really only maintaining its own power and maintaining a political structure which is outdated and needs exactly to break out before there could be any solution.
So I am afraid all that is going to happen is you are getting a bit of a lift here and a bit of a lift there and then the whole thing gets worse and this is going on until eventually the euro smashes up. But you are really looking at the early stages of a civilization catastrophe.
You are seeing it in Spain, I forgot Cyprus, Greece, Italy, and it is coming to France, Ireland has been smashed and they won’t get out of it. Because the elite is determined to maintain the euro and the European Union and even if they broke the euro, they will still not come forward with the necessary policy to get the jobs created.