Russian journalist confesses that Azerbaijani soldiers kidnapped and raped her for three days during Karabakh War
Darya Aslamova, journalist for Komsomolskaya Pravda Russian newspaper, revealed how Azerbaijani soldiers kidnapped and raped her for three days during the Karabakh War, reports Azerbaijani website.
“I was 21 years old during the Karabakh War and was making reports about the events at the time. Once Azerbaijani soldiers kidnapped me from the village I used to stay in and raped me for three days . . .” tells the journalist.
Darya Aslamova is famous in Russia for her interviews with well-known people, from Arab sheikhs to Russian oligarchs. Aslamova is known as number one Russian journalist on war reporting. She has recently been visiting Turkey and publishing articles about Fethullah Gülen, the leader of the religious movement of “gülenists.” The comparison of Gülen with Soros in Russian journalist's article has caused a public outcry in Turkey.