Snowden must leak info that touches American public - Randy Short
Press TV has conducted an interview with Randy Short, human rights activist, about the latest documents leaked by the US National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower Edward Snowden revealing that the UK is running a secret spying center in the Middle East.
- Well let’s look at this latest revelation coming from Snowden about the secret internet surveillance in the Middle East. We are hearing more and more about the US and the UK’s into surveillance situation but what will it take actually to try to put pressure on London and Washington to stop this? Who would be able to stop them?
- Well I'll be very honest with you and I said this in the previous program if Mr. Snowden and the others could release information on domestic things that are more accessible to the emotional tenor of the American public like who killed Kennedy? Which persons? Which forces killed Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and Bobby Kent? Who killed the people at Kent State and why?
These are things that the American public will really be touched by; it's sort of an abstraction of this spying in the Middle East. And in terms of the harassment of the American public this is all. They've been doing this to the African-Americans for ninety nine years since the First World War.
So you take the King family, Martin Luther King’s grandfather was spied on, his father was spied on, he was spied on and now his children are spied on. This is old. This is very old but most of the American public doesn't care until it happens to them.
- But let me look at what you have just said. You just said that perhaps if there were other stories that he would leak, the people would be more interested.
Why wouldn’t the American people be interested in knowing that their government is basically controlling their communications?
- You know that a large number of people and we have to be honest because America's very diverse. I've always emphasized that America is the most diverse country, population wise, on the earth.
The Anglo-American minority, the people who benefit from the exploitation of the other Americans and the rest of the world, they're governed by a fear of losing what they have been able to steal over the last five hundred years from others and they're willing to cede our rights to have security to hold on to more than they share.
So large numbers of Americans are like a white settler colony. They are very similar to the Israelis on the West bank and in Gaza and in the Middle East in general. So they're willing to not have freedom in order to be able to hold on to what they've taken over the generations from others.