Azadlig: Turkish authorities did not respond to ‘‘rowdy’’ trick of Azerbaijani dictatorial regime
Azerbaijani authorities have blocked broadcast of critical program "Azerbaijani hour" via Turkish satellite. The program started at 21:00 in Baku time, and at 21:25 the broadcast in Azerbaijani territory was blocked by such devices as “Yammer”.
The "Azadlig" newspaper finds it strange that the Turkish authorities have not responded to the blatant rowdyism of the Azerbaijani authorities, because "TurkSat" is an important and strategic component for Turkish informational and national security.
The article notes that such actions by the authorities of Syria or Greece would have caused a wide resonance, and this silence against the dictatorial regime in neighboring Azerbaijan is surprising. "Turkey’s diverse attitude towards dictators truly surprises everyone," Azadlig writes.