Dashgin Gulmamedov: Plot to assassinate Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev is carried out
"I learned from my own sources that an assassinate attempt is being prepared against the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev. The attack is aimed at starting a "revolution" for its further expansion in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan," said Dashgin Gulmammadov, the chairman of the "National Council of Turkic-Karapapaks of Ukraine."
As the Georgian news agency “Saqinform.ge” reports in Gyulmamedov’s statement prepared for press is noted that some groups are trying to start a "revolution" in Azerbaijan as in the case of the "Arab Spring," and then they want to import it into Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Russia.
"Special measures should be undertaken by the Azerbaijani special forces. Then it will be too late, and the consequences can be disastrous for the whole of the South Caucasus and Central Asia," he said.
Today, according to Azerbaijani portal "Haqqin.az" the Ministry of National Security of Azerbaijan commented on the information. Thus, Arif Babaev, the head of the Center for Public Affairs MNS stated that the Ministry precisely monitors all possible dangers and threats to Azerbaijan, "analyzes them and carries out the necessary preventive measures." According to him, they are carrying out all the necessary measures to prevent possible threats and challenges towards the interests of Azerbaijan and its national security.