Author of anti-Armenian book is still caught on lies and disinformation
After yesterday's scandal over the presentation of the book written by Russian historian Oleg Kuznetsov titled "Truth about "myths" of Karabakh conflict", the author hastily gave an interview to the Azerbaijani news agency "" At the presentation of the book the author was accused of falsifying facts about the history of the Armenian people. As a result in front of numerous cameras and reporters he admitted his being pro-Azerbaijani bias.
In an interview given to Azerbaijani media Kuznetsov, who has repeatedly been convicted of disinformation, continues lying. In particular, he claims that after the end of the presentation he had a talk with the editor of "Wikipedia" Vadim Gomoz, who had previously caught him in alleged frauds, and had come to a consensus with him.
Gomoz on his Facebook page has refuted Kuznetsov’s words which as if refer to him.
"In connection with strange statements of Mr. Kuznetsov, I officially declare that, there where it says: "After the event I was able to talk with Vadim, and he left a very good impression on me," should be understood as "Vadim asked me for an autograph on the book."
There where Kuznetsov says: "Vadim Gomoz did not deny the fact that Stanislav Tarasov, willingly or unwillingly, was engaged in falsification of historical documents" and then till the end of the paragraph should be understood as "Vadim Gomoz denied this fact, because this issue was not discussed with the Mr. Kuznetsov at all."
There where Kuznetsov says: "In fact, Vadim Gomoz agreed with me that every Russian citizen has the right to be an Armenophil, but in the same time he/she should not violate the national law, as Alexey Martynov does" should be understood as "Vadim Gomoz considers Mr. Kuznetsov’s actions demanding to use the law on foreign agents as a political denunciation."
Vadim Gomoz also continues revealing absurd bloopers from historian Oleg Kuznetsov’s statements. The latter gets confused and makes mistakes in elementary historical events and dates. Thus, in the video posted on YouTube on the 12th minute Kuznetsov, as proof of his rightness, in a controversy with Gomoz speaks of the projects of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, including in the list the "Greek project Bezborodko." However, as noted by Vadim Gomoz, Kuznetsov was mistaken for 100 years in the date, "Bezborodko was Catherine the Great’s official, the Greek project dates back in 1782."
Gomoz also point out the lapses in Kuznetsov’s article, published in the Azerbaijani propaganda website “erevangala500”, where he states: "Uruguay was the first country in the world to officially recognize "Armenian genocide" at the parliamentary level in 1965.
However, at this time, Uruguay together with Brazil and Argentina was engaged in coalition war against Paraguay, during which 90% of adult men of this country were killed, and its territory was reduced by one-third. " Gomoz notes that the Paraguayan War took place in 1864 and the journalist could not have mixed it up as Kuznetsov claims that these events occurred in the same time.