Israel has given special role to Azerbaijan in its plan of Iran’s isolation
Israel's Foreign Ministry has prepared a secret plan to isolate Iran, and a very special role is given to Azerbaijan in this regard, writes the Azerbaijani news portal "" referring to Israeli sources.
According to the information, in exchange for assistance in the process of isolating Iran, Israel presents real economic and political aid to Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
Portal reminds that the Israeli ambassadors to three republics neighboring Iran - Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan - were summoned to Tbilisi for a meeting with Zeev Elkin the Deputy Minister of the Foreign Affairs of Israel.
The ambassadors were summoned to Tbilisi for getting instructions in connection with the situation over the Iranian nuclear program.
Israel’s concern is caused by the positive change of the attitude of the West towards Iran after the new president of Iran took the office.
As noted in the material, apparently the meeting of the ambassadors in Tbilisi is directly connected to the Israeli plans of isolating Iran.
According to diplomatic sources, the Israeli side has committed to share with Azerbaijan and other neighbors of Iran with information about the activities of various extremist organizations sponsored by Tehran. Israel has also promised to help in the fight against the radicals who have returned to these countries from Syria. In addition, the official Tel Aviv offers these countries a social assistance program, implying assistance in the development of health, energy and agriculture. In return, Israel demands only one thing - isolation of Iran.
The article notes that in this regard Israel has given a special place to Azerbaijan and Georgia. A proof of this serves the recent abolition of the visa regime between Israel and Georgia. "We can tell with confidence that the plan of Iran’s isolation is presented to the Azerbaijani authorities as well as to other countries. Baku's disposition regarding this plan is still unknown," the article states.
The author draws attention to the special relationship existing between Baku and Tel Aviv. Azerbaijan buys Israeli contemporary weapons which cost billions of dollars, and the Western media claims that Azerbaijan has provided its airfields to Israel for possible air strikes on Iran. However, the official Baku denies this information.