Protest in front of Turkish embassy to Iran: ‘‘Erdogan’s statement is not enough for Armenian nation’’
“The Iranian – Armenian have held protest in front of the Turkish embassy to Tehran,” reports Iranian – Armenian “” site.
According to sources today in the morning requiem services for the souls of the Armenian Genocide victims was served at St. Sargis church in Tehran. Afterwards the participants of the liturgy have marched to the Turkish embassy.
Karen Khanlaryan, MP of Iran who is of Armenian origin, has touched upon the statement of the Turkish Prime Minister, “The statement of Erdogan can be considered as a “positive” change, however, that statement does not satisfy the demands of the Armenian nation.”
The rally was attended by Archbishop Sebuh Sargsian, the leader of Armenian Diocese of Tehran, who also made a speech. He has condemned the atrocities committed by Turkey and has stated that concealing the truth is wrong, as sooner or later the justice will win.
At the end of the protest the participants have called on the whole world and Iran in particular to recognize the Armenian Genocide, afterwards they have passed the resolution-demand to Turkish embassy.
The protest ended with “Sardarapat” song.