Azerbaijani Nazis ‘‘Sieg Heil’’ in Baku center, but police does not notice anything
"In Baku, at its very center, a Nazi is walking in black army boots in khaki pants and a black T-shirt with the emblem of the Third Reich. The young man, who seems very pleased with himself, raises his hands in a sign of Nazi salute, and "Sieg Heils," writes the Azerbaijani portal "".
As stated in the article published in the Facebook, the recorded video gives quite a serious cause for concerns.
"By the way, recently in Baku the youth was distributing “St. George ribbons." And this is a very dangerous trend, testifying the rise of activity of far-rights. This should cause concern, especially in the light of the unsightly outcome of identical activation of "Nazi" and "Great Russian chauvinists" among the civil youth. No such things had been noticed with our civic youth before," writes the Azerbaijani portal.
"Why are we concerned with the replication of these videos in Azerbaijani network? Though, maybe it would have even been better; a kind of guarantee that our valiant native police are interested in that young man, who was propagating Nazism. Meanwhile, alas, the police remain inactive. The police, which is able to recognize the oppositionists in any crowd, deliberately does not see the “Sieg Heiling” Nazi in the center of Baku! It does not monitor the Facebook either, where the video of the Hitler fan is posted," writes ""
The publication reads that the silence of the Nazis is perceived as the right of permissiveness. "And in this way, tomorrow dozens and later hundreds of Nazis may appear on the streets of Baku, with all the ensuing consequences," said Azerbaijani portal in the article.
Author of the publication wonders who benefits of it and "who is ready to shatter the situation in the country, clothing their provocateurs into a variety of clothes - from Nazi propagandists to St. George ribbons."