Good Country Index: Armenia is the best in Caucasus, Azerbaijan is one of five outsiders of world
Armenia is ahead of all its neighbors in the list of the world's best countries. It is a leader in the Caucasus. In the CIS Armenia is on the second place. This can be found on the site of Good Country Index, which has been compiled for the first time.
According to the Good Country Index, Armenia is on the 72nd place in the list of the best countries in the world.
Azerbaijan is among the top five worst countries in the world, and is on the 122nd place and is preceding Iraq, Vietnam and Libya. Another neighbor of Armenia is Georgia which is on the 77th line. Turkey ranks 79th place, Iran - 115th.
As for the CIS countries, Armenia was preceded only by Moldova, and was on the 60th place. Kyrgyzstan was the 74th, the 80th was Kazakhstan, Belarus was on 82nd and Russia was on the 95th place. Other CIS countries were not included in the rating.
While making the rankings the level of development of science and technology, culture, safety, health and other factors in each country were taken into account.
In total, 125 countries have been included in the ranking. Ireland is the leader of the list; it is followed by Finland, Switzerland, the Netherlands, New Zealand and Sweden.