Gay couple that got engaged in Azerbaijan fears for his life
The president of LGBT Azerbaijan Alliance Nefas fears for his life and that of his fiancé, according to the group's Facebook page, GayRussia reports.
As it is noted in the article the photo of their engagement posted on social media was then published by Azerbaijani media without their permission.
“Homosexuality is not illegal in Azerbaijan but there is strong public disapproval of gay people who are seen as abnormal,” the article reads.
According to the article, Javid Nabiyev has since received death threats on his Facebook profile and has deactivated it.
'Now he can’t go out in public because of danger of attack that may occur,' states the Facebook post. 'Even a few people from his neighborhood threatened him that they would tell everyone and embarrass him.'
His fiancé, identified only as M.A., is allegedly being held captive by his family and was forced to tell Nabiyev: 'Do not contact me anymore, it’s over.'
According to some sources M.A. is reportedly the same person whose mother, according to news reports, had previously allegedly attempted to burn him alive by dousing him with gasoline while he was in bed.
The portal notes that Nefes LGBT is a non-governmental organization in Baku focusing on LGBT issues. It posted this message on its Twitter page Wednesday (24 September): 'URGENT! - Attack toward gay couple in Azerbaijan which got engaged RT PLEASE.'