Russia eliminates 84.5% of chemical weapons stockpile — official
Russia eliminated 84.5% of chemical weapons, chairman of the State Commission on Chemical Disarmament Mikhail Babich said on Monday, according to TASS.
“Since the 18th Conference in 2013 Russia has eliminated 2,807 tons of chemical weapons of the first category. So far Russia has eliminated almost 34,000 tons of chemical warfare agents,” he told the 19th session of the OPCW Conference of the States Parties.
“In 2015 we’re expected to complete the elimination of chemical weapons at the four facilities — Maradykovsky, Leonidovka, Pochep and Shchushchye”, Babich said.
“By December 31, 2015 the total amount of eliminated chemical weapons of the first category will be about 36,500 tons (91.2% of the existing stockpiles in the Russian Federation). Chemical weapons at the Kizner facility will be disposed of after December 31, 2015,” he said.
“We’re planning to complete the elimination of chemical weapons not later than December 31, 2020,” Babich added.