Best time to talk to man revealed
For any woman who’s tried to have a serious talk with her man, it is an all-too-familiar dilemma.
How do you get him to give you his undivided attention?
The answer, it seems, is simple – wait until he has just sat down to dinner, the Daily Mail reports.
A survey of 1,000 men and women found that 8.15pm is the time when men are most prepared to listen to their other halves.
Almost half said they were happy to engage in serious conversation over dinner. This is despite the fact that the women said they were most likely to bring up a tricky topic 12 hours earlier, at 8.20am.
Another good time is in the car – 39 per cent of men said they like having a meaningful chat while driving, said the poll by Asda. And if a favour is required, it’s best to bring it up in front of the in-laws.
More than 20 per cent of men said they would give in to their partner’s demands if asked in the presence of wider family members.
But three quarters said they hate being disturbed while they shower.
The findings reveal that women struggle most to hold down their spouse’s attention while they play video games - with a mere 1 per cent tuning into what is being said.
Watching football is another risky strategy, during which 92 per cent of men are not prepared to entertain a conversation, opting instead for a quick ‘yes.’
The survey highlighted that men prefer to be left in their own company while playing on the Playstation, or watching television.
Just less than 95 per cent of men dislike it when their significant other interrupts a film, regardless of genre.
The findings claim that men are most likely to say yes to DIY chores as sly favours when they are not tuned into conversation.
Just more than 80 per cent said ‘We need to talk’ is the most feared conversation opener, while 42 per cent of women voted for ‘is everything OK’ - when their partner knows the opposite is true.