‘Tolerant’ Azerbaijan never to allow same-sex marriages
Same-sex marriages will never be allowed in Azerbaijan, the chairman of the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations of Azerbaijan, Mubariz Gurbanli, said, according to the news portal Haqqin.az.
“Now, if we are tolerant, should we take up some of America and Europe’s godless customs directed against the humanity? Should we allow same-sex marriages, too? No, and again no! We will never go so far,” Gurbanli said.
Back in 2014, in Azerbaijan, parents almost burned their teenage son alive after they learned that he was gay. The young man was forced to flee home. Earlier, Isa Shakhmarli, the leader of an Azerbaijani gay rights group, committed suicide in Baku. He was discovered dead after reportedly hanging himself using the rainbow-colored flag. Prior to his death, Shakhmarli said in an interview that LGBT Azerbaijan people struggle because it is a homophobic country and many cannot find a job. This means 90% are forced to remain closeted.
Gay Star News: Azerbaijani parents almost burn their teenaged son alive learning that he is gay
NY Times: Azerbaijan SOCAR employee’s daughter enters into same-sex marriage with legislative counsel to Massachusetts Senator