Nare and Davit still most popular baby names in Armenia
7,270 girls and 8,148 boys were born in Armenia in the first five months of 2015, that is, there were 113 boys born per 100 girls, while the statistical average is 102-106 boys born for every 100 girls, Head of the Census and Demography Unit of Armenian National Statistical Service Karine Kuyumjyan said at press conference today.
According to her, the most popular baby names in Armenia are: female names – Nare, Mari, Maria, Anahit, Mane, Milena, Mariam, Angelia, Ani, and Elen, while the most popular names for baby boys are Davit, Narek, Tigran, Hayk, Aleks, Gor, Alen, Erik, and Arthur.
20,218 girls and 22,965 boys were born in Armenia in 2014. Nare and David topped the popular baby names list in 2014 as well.