Hraparak: Ara Abrahamyan mulls running for Russian State Duma
‘Hraparak’ writes President of the Union of Armenians of Russia (UAR) Ara Abrahamyan, his brothers and associates took it hard when a demarche began against Abrahamyan after he announced his intention to create a political party in Armenia and run in the parliamentary elections. They started to look for a way out. And a way out was found: in parallel, Ara Abrahamyan is negotiating with some branches of Russian power so as to take Arthur Chilingarov’s place in the upcoming election to the Russian State Duma.
Chilingarov will be 77 at the time of the parliamentary elections in Russia in 2016, and to all appearances, he will not object to being replaced by Ara Abrahamyan.
“It remains to understand what Arbrahamyan will do in the spring – will he be sent on a mission to Armenia or the State Duman?” the paper writes.