Aronian defeated Nakamura, leads the Candidate’s Tournament
In the round 6 games of the Fide World Candidate’s Tournament Levon Aronian with white pieces defeated Hikaru Nakamura, the website of the Chess Federation of Armenia reports.
According to the information, Aronyan along with Sergey Karjakinis is in the lead with 4 points each. The latter made a draw with Fabiano Caruana.
Meanwhile, Viswanathan Anand defeated Peterr Svidler and has 3,5 and comes the third with 3,5 points. Anish Giri Made a draw with Vasili Topalov and shares the 4-5 places with 3 points each.
In the round 6 games to be held on March 19, Armenian grand master Aronyan will face Sergey Karjakin .