Suspect wanted for an armed assault on currency exchange point detained
Thanks to the measures taken by officers from the General Departments of Fight against organized crime and Nor-Nork police division, A Mnatsakanyan, 1975, wanted for banditry at the currency exchange point, detained at the junction of Rostovyan and Azatamartikner streets on March 18, press department of the RA Police informs.
As reported earlier, on March 16 banditry was committed against the currency exchange point located at the market of Nor Norq community.
According to initial data at about 17:30 a man masked, armed with a rifle, in dark blue “Mercedes” approached the currency exchange point which belonged to entrepreneur H. Asatryan.
Getting out of the car the masked person demanded money threatening to use violence. Being refused he fired numerous shots towards him in a way dangerous for many people’s life. Hearing the shots the employees of neighboring booths came up to the currency exchange point and the masked man fled in a car.
Through inspection of the site 6 capsules, 4 bullets were found. The investigation is underway.