US, Britain France, Germany pressing for UN action over Iran missiles
The United States and three allies called for a Security Council meeting to respond to Iran's recent ballistic missile tests, which they say, were carried out in defiance of a UN resolution, Associated Press reports.
A report from the U.S., France, Britain and Germany obtained Tuesday by The Associated Press calls the launches "destabilizing and provocative." It said the Shahab-3 medium-range ballistic missile and Qiam-1 short-range ballistic missile fired by Iran are "inherently capable of delivering nuclear weapons."
A Security Council resolution adopted after the Iran nuclear deal was signed last year calls for Iran not to launch any ballistic missiles capable of delivering a nuclear weapon, according to the source.
But when the Iranian test-firings were raised in the council on March 14, Russia said the launches did not violate the resolution because "a call" is not a demand. Russia's stance makes any council action unlikely because as a permanent council member it has veto power.
The report from the four Western nations was sent to Spain's UN ambassador who has been designated by the Security Council to receive communications about Iran's compliance with the resolution.
It asked Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to report "fully and thoroughly" on Iranian ballistic missile activity "inconsistent" with the council resolution, and for the Security Council to discuss "appropriate responses."
The four nations condemned the threats against Israel in Iranian statements about the launches.