Tatul Manasaryan: War to be the most profitable business
Professor Tatul Manasaryan considers the war to be the most profitable business. “This sounds cynical but appears to be the truth. If we try to project this definition into any state, be that a small or large one, you will understand their interests and our expectations,” Manasaryan said at a meeting with the journalists.
According to him, the war as a mean for business may have various interpretations. From one side that is a pure interest, from the other side - arm consumption and the interest from the participation of the third countries.
To Manasaryan, Azerbaijan is gradually losing its position in the global market
“If a state losses its opportunities, becomes more ardent especially against the backdrop of the developments when Turkey tries to get its debts, losses from Russia indirectly, namely through Russia’s strategic partners. All these affect on our state, and those interests are evident,” Manasaryan said.
He also noted that because of the decrease in oil prices, Azerbaijan is not able to buy the previous volumes of arms. Professor next reflected on Russia’s relations with its strategic partner states in the context of decrease of the oil prices and the need of its economic diversification.
“Russia is a big arm supplier. Whether the weapon is used against Armenian or Tajikistan seems absolutely unimportant. The most important thing is just to exclude the situation to go beyond the control. It could act as a judge, who may be applied to solve various issues,” Manasaryan concluded.