PACE rapporteur expresses concern over recent Karabakh conflict escalation and calls on Baku to conform withCoE standards
Stefan Schennach, co-rapporteur of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) for the monitoring of Azerbaijan, has expressed strong concern at the recent escalation of the Karabakh conflict. He also highlighted the need to facilitate the work of activists, independent media and NGOs, and to bring the legislative framework fully into line with Council of Europe standards, the co-rapporteur said speaking at the end of a visit to the country (6-8 April 2016). The statement is available on PACE website.
Schennach expressed strong concern at the recent escalation of the situation along the contact line in the Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR) and the reports of civilian casualties and deaths on both sides. He said he had welcomed the cease-fire and insisted that negotiations should urgently resume towards "a peaceful resolution of this ongoing tragedy."
Further, the co-rapporteur welcomed the release of some political prisoners earlier in March, however, he expressed his concern for the fact that many political activists are still imprisoned.
Issues related to the legislation governing NGOs in Azerbaijan and its implementation were also discussed. “NGOs contribute to the richness of the democratic process, and should be encouraged, not impeded,” Schennach highlighted as cited in the statement.
His various interlocutors, including representatives of civil society, expressed their concerns and lack of confidence in the independence and functioning of the judiciary. Discussions also focused on the political situation following the November 2015 general elections. “It is important to take the necessary measures to improve the electoral legal framework in conformity with Council of Europe recommendations,” the co-rapporteur said.
He expressed his concerns regarding a parliamentary initiative that would impede the unconditional implementation of decisions of the European Court of Human Rights. According to him, theCoE Secretary General’s December initiative under Article 52 of the Convention can be instrumental in finding solutions to some of the outstanding problems,” he added.
During his visit, the co-rapporteur met with the President of Azerbaijan, the Speaker of Parliament, the President of the Constitutional Court, the Ombudsperson, the Justice Minister, the Prosecutor General, the Chairman of the Central Election Commission and members of parliament, including the Azerbaijan delegation to the PACE. He also met representatives of extra-parliamentary opposition parties, civil society and the international community, lawyers and media representatives. He visited Khadija Ismayilova in detention and had meetings with persons who were recently released, including Leyla and ArifYunus, IntigamAliyev, TofigYagublu and RashadatAkhundov.