Tatul Manaseryan: The state should demonstrate it stands by those struggling for the motherland
Greater role should be assigned to youth for making progress in economy or state administration. The migration of the youth exhausts the economy and progress of the state, Tatul Manaseryan, economist, head of “Alternative” Research Center told Panorama.am reporter.
He suggested that youth should not be remembered only in times of war or while defending the border, then forgotten and ignored as happened after Artsakh war.
“People who made the victory then - skillful specialists, intelligentsia, professionals are now without work. We treated them negligently. I want the young people standing in the border not face the same fate. They should receive not only education but also guarantees to use that knowledge. We will not register any progress in our economy and state administration unless that happens,” Manaseryan stressed.
Meanwhile, he deemed as unacceptable to have people in charge of science who have no idea about the role of science for making progress in economy and public administration. To him, that makes the involvement of the young resources into science an imperative to ensure change of generation in the country’s scientific potential.
Manaseryan mentioned that scientific schools operating previously do not function due to the lack of new specialists, yet young people are educated here are passed to third courtiers that had no input in their education. Those states receive well-educated specialists and ensure the progress of their state on their behalf.
Manaseryan next touched upon the education system. “My experience of lecturing in different educational institutions tells me excellent students are studying next to those who have neither wish to get educated nor connection to education. That is the reason for the quality of education significantly dropping and for increasing concerns over who are our future economists, diplomats and whether they are competitive among their peers from other states. As an educator, I have no idea whom I am teaching – the future unemployed person, diploma-seekers or serious specialists,” Manaseryan asked rhetorically.
Manaseryan also suggested a full waiver of tuition for the soldiers in army service or those who participated in the April war in case they decide to continue their education after the military service.
“The state should show that stands by those struggling for the motherland. With all due respect to all the first persons of the state, soldiers appear to be the actual owners of Armenia. If we do not praise them, provide a full opportunity to get educated; we will fail to become an established state. It will do no credit to us if those soldiers disappoint or live in poverty and need,” Manaseryan concluded.