US Deputy Assistant Secretary: Corruption risks should be eliminated to move forward US-Armenia trade relations
We should reduce barriers to move forward US-Armenian trade relations, Bridget Brink, Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs told during an interview with and Armenia TV Chanel.
“We are working to find ways to reduce barriers to trade and to talk very openly and frankly about those barriers. One of the things that is a barrier in many countries, in my own country as well, is corruption. We talked about the importance of eliminating corruption at the high level and the law level, look for any way that is possible to strengthen and support steps by the Anticorruption Council as well as other mechanisms that are set in place to fight corruption,” Deputy Assistant Secretary stressed.
The US official next noted the US supports direct foreign investment in Armenia. “It is a very important for assessing the risks of investing money in any country,” she added.
“We strongly support efforts to reform justice sector to ensure that there is an independent judicial system that businesses also can have confidence in,” she said.