Peter Svitalski discusses education quality in Armenia
“The quality of education in Armenia suffered due to economic difficulties. This is a serious challenge for Armenia. We should recover the best possible quality for vocational and higher education,” Head of the EU Delegation to Armenia, Peter Svitalski said during the closing conference of the “Empowerment of the Tertiary Level Education of the RA for European Higher Education Area Integration EHEA” Twinning Programme, financed by the EU.
According to Svitalski, the starting point of this twinning programme creates opportunities for further discussions. “There are young and talented people in Armenia, thirsty for knowledge and ready to invest their time and energy to get better education. Armenia is a culturally rich country, and education is a part of that culture. Armenia is a country of book-lovers. I think the EU should respond these expectations and support Armenia to create a modern education system, based on best European achievements”.
60 experts from Finland and Germany arrived in Armenia to carry out training courses and exchange experience with Armenian specialists, also to revise the Armenian legislation on education within the framework of the project.
“We’ve visited different universities, spoken to different interested parties and held a number of discussions. Each university received a copy of a draft. We expect them to give a feedback by July 10, after which the draft will be revised and sent to the Parliament,” German expert said.
According to him, the draft meets the Bologna process, which means students in Armenia will get a mobility chance, receive joint degrees, and the scientists will be able to conduct joint research with their European counterparts.