Iran – second largest supplier of Turkish gas demand
Despite the ongoing gas dispute between Tehran and Ankara, Iran has turned into the second largest exporter of gas to Turkey, Mehr news agency informs.
“Notwithstanding the continuous gas dispute between Tehran and Ankara over international arbitration and disagreements between the two sides on determining the discount percentage on gas sales, the exports volume of Iranian gas to Turkey has followed an upward trend since the beginning of the current year,” the agency writes.
According to the source, following the increase in gas production from South Pars field and Iran’s freedom to export larger amounts of natural gas, the shipment of the clean energy carrier to Turkey climbed by about 8.8 percent reaching an aggregate total of 518 million cubic meters. Meanwhile, the figure for the same period in 2015 only stood at 472 million cubic meters indicating a 40-million-cubic-meter upsurge in the ongoing year.
Thus, Azerbaijan Republic remains the third largest supplier of Turkish gas through pipeline after Russia and Iran.