New Government Program to grant Women more Opportunities to Serve the Military Service
The new draft government program, which is to be submitted to the National Assembly during the extraordinary session convened on 20 October by the RA Government, prescribes innovations in the defense sphere.
Namely the program aims at expending the opportunities for women to be drafted into the army on a voluntary basis. Notably the program of the government governed by former Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan, lacked such a provision.
Notably women’s participation in the military service is governed by Article 3 of the RA Law on the “Military Duty” pursuant to which Male citizens of the pre-conscription, military age and consisting on accounting in the reserve, and also the female citizens who having military specialty or have passed the military service are considered as persons liable for call-up. But women in Armenia are not obliged to serve in the army as it is the case in Israel.
The new government project proposes to strengthen the ties between the army and the society, which was also not included in the former program. Namely the new draft government program offers the following: modernizing the mechanisms of governing the military sphere, appropriately inform the public in parallel with complete and efficient performance of military duties, developing the ties between the army and the society, ensuring the provision of the guarantees to human rights and basic freedoms as well as healthy interpersonal relations in the armed forces, strengthening patriotism, moral values, discipline and legal relations in the army.
The program also stipulates establishment of transparent system of merit-based promotion in the armed forces and introduction of contemporary educational programs.